The food photos are phenomenal and oh so delicious! This sentence resonated with me; "It only matters that we are conscious of what we are eating, where it is coming from and how it impacts our collective wellbeing". Great segway for you next topic about climate-smart foods - looking forward to learning more.

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Yes I did take it

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Thank you for educating me - I learnt a new term “flexitarian”. Also loved how you’ve termed food fashion never thought of the 2 words out together nor look at it as a fashion trend though after reading your article it actually makes sense. You’ve opened my eyes and I look at good differently now thanks

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Thank you so much Kiran. As always you write effortlessly and so well.

I really believe that food also binds different cultures and nationalities together. Even if we do not understand their language, we can express our love though hospitality and cuisine.

So I put a lot of thought and efforts in arranging delicious as well healthy food for all my events. Not only this, food presentation in a creative way also has always been an important aspect of all Les Sûtras events.

Totally agree with you that more and more people are becoming conscious of what we eat and where it comes from. I myself have shifted to more fresh and vegetarian meals lately. I completely avoid processed food and try to eat fresh local produce. As it is rightly said we become what we eat.

Thank you so much once again for writing on such an important subject.

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